Our Publications

Below are all available peer-reviewed research publications authored by Dr. Amol S. Navathe, MD, PhD, The Parity Center, and/or our associated collaborators.

Machine Learning Approaches to Predict 6-Month Mortality Among Patients with Cancer

Read Publication JAMA Network Open

Parikh RB, Manz C, Chivers C, Regli SH, Braun J, Draugelis ME, Schuchter LM, Shulman LN, Navathe AS, Patel MS, O'Connor NR.

The Sociobehavioral Phenotype: Applying a Precision Medicine Framework to Social Determinants of Health

Read Publication American Journal of Managed Care

Parikh R, Jain S, Navathe AS.

Using Nudges to Improve Value by Increasing Imaging-Based Cancer Screening

Read Publication Journal of the American College of Radiology

Patel MS, Navathe AS, Liao JM

Association of Bundled Payments for Joint Replacement Surgery with Simultaneous Hospital Participation in Accountable Care Organizations

Read Publication JAMA Network Open

Liao JM, Emanuel EJ, Venkataramani AS, Huang Q, Dinh CT, Shan E, Wang E, Zhu J, Cousins DS, Navathe AS.

Real-Time Feedback in Pay-for-Performance: Does More Information Lead to Improvement?

Read Publication Journal of General Internal Medicine

Bond AM, Volpp KG, Emanuel EJ, Caldarella K, Hodlofski A, Sacks L, Patel P, Sokol K, Vittore S, Calgano D, Nelson C, Weng K, Troxel A, Navathe AS.

Characteristics of Physicians Participating in Medicare's Oncology Care Model Bundled Payment Program

Read Publication Journal of Oncology Practice

Parikh R, Bekelman J, Huang Q, Martinez J, Emanuel E, Navathe AS.

Overlap Between Medicare's Voluntary Bundled Payment and Accountable Care Organization Programs

Read Publication Journal of Hospital Medicine

Navathe AS, Dinh CT, Dykstra SE, Werner RM, Liao JM.

Model Performance Metrics in Assessing the Value of Adding Intraoperative Data for Death Prediction: Applications to Non-cardiac Surgery

Read Publication MEDINFO Studies in Health Technology Informatics

Lei VJ, Kennedy EH, Luong TB, Chen X, Polsky DE, Volpp KG, Neuman MD, Holmes JH, Fleisher LA, Navathe AS.

Association Between the Implementation of a Population-Based Primary Care Payment System and Achievement on Quality Measures in Hawaii

Read Publication JAMA

Navathe AS, Emanuel EJ, Bond AM, Linn K, Caldarella K, Troxel A, Zhu J, Yang L, Matloubieh SE, Drye E, Bernheim S, Oshima Lee E, Mugiishi M, Takata Endo K, Yoshimoto J, Yuen I, Okamura S, Stollar M, Tom J, Gold M, Volpp KG.

Medicare's Bundled Payment Did Not Change Skilled Nursing Discharge Patterns

Read Publication American Journal of Managed Care

Zhu J, Navathe AS, Yuan Y, Dykstra SE, Werner RM.